
Lost in the Woods Author Interview: Fun London

Sep 30, 2012

Here is an interview from Fun London, author of "Lost in the Woods". Stay tuned for the review later on in the week (hopefully) !!!

What inspired you to write "Lost in the Woods?"
As a child, I had the unfortunate opportunity to experience the sudden loss of a parent. I know first hand what kind of a trauma this can be and how hard it is for a child to understand and to readjust to the new circumstances. I remember spending a great deal of time out in the woods, trying to lose myself in nature.
I only wish I had had the benefit of a fantasy like Lost in the Woods to help me sort things out in my life.

Do you recall how your interest in writing originated?
Yes. A friend of mine rushed over to me at a party and asked me to tell a story I had told her. By the time I finished, everyone was in tears laughing. I loved being able to create that kind of impact with words.
Also, in my tutoring of students, I noticed a decided absence of reading material that was positive, and a glut of depressing works that no sane child would enjoy. If I had been forced to read such work in school, I would have given up reading altogether. And that is exactly what many of those students had done. I decided they deserved better.

Do you have a specific writing style?
Good question. I'm not sure I know how to answer that. I write to communicate and to engage and entertain the reader through the characters I create. I do not like to waste words, so perhaps "lean" might describe my style. I believe in writing in a way that allows the reader to participate in the creation, not just sit back and idly watch. Most of all, I try to write true to the characters in my stories--the way they would think or talk.

While you were writing, did you ever feel as if you were one of the characters?
I see a part of myself in each of my characters. I think that helps me create characters that are real.

Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?
Although life can sometimes be dark or disappointing, there is always a way through to the light.

If your book was made into a film, would you have real actors portray it with voices for the animals, or would you have it done as an animation?
Although it could be done either way, I think that the Disney animation is currently such a high quality, I prefer that.

Tea or coffee?

Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate -- LOVE it :)

Do you use a pen and pencil or laptop to write your stories? What environment (Quiet room, or music etc.)?
I use a laptop for most of the writing and a pencil for notes. I prefer the quiet cabin environment for writing. I've tried listening to music but that doesn't really work for me. I get too engaged in the music.

Do you have any advice for other writers?

Say what you want to say, not what you think you are supposed to. Write, write, write. And by all means have fun doing it. I certainly am. :)

Stay tuned for the review of "Lost in the Woods"!!